During the first few days after your baby is born, breastfeeding can be daunting and confusing. Many new parents are haunted by questions of whether their baby is getting enough milk and "are we doing it right?" Successful breastfeeding relationships are establish in an atmosphere of trust, support and knowledgeable guidance. Harmony at Home is here to help if you have any questions or problems.
Here are some of our basic guidelines to keep in mind for the first few weeks.
Whether or not baby is getting enough milk is one of the most common concerns of new moms. Since we don't have measurement markers on our breasts, we can't initially "see" that our babies are really getting the milk they need. You can tell baby is getting enough milk, however, by keeping track of dirty diapers, weight gain, and appearance.
Counting your baby's diapers can be a helpful indicator as to whether or not he is getting enough of your milk.
Signs of poor feedings
- Feeling pain during feedings
- Sleepy baby
- Inconsistent, flutter (weak) sucking
- Difficulty latching-on and staying on
- Clicking or popping sounds in your baby’s mouth
- Prolonged nursing (more than 20-25 minutes on each side)
- Infrequent nursing (baby does not wake to feed at least every 3 hours)
- Frequent nursing (more than 12 per day)
- Baby is not satisfied at the end of the feeding
- Engorgement
- Inadequate wet diapers and stools
- Rapid or excessive weight loss (more than 7-10%) during the first few days
- Has not regained birth weight by 2 weeks
- Slow weight gain thereafter (less than 1/2 – 3/4 oz per day)
Signs of good feedings
- Feeling a deep, strong pulling sensation without sharp pain
- Consistent sucking with only brief pauses
- Hearing swallowing (after the milk comes in)
- Latch-on is easy
- 15-20 minutes of vigorous sucking per breast (20-30 minutes for one breast feedings)
- Breasts are softer after the feeding
- Seeing milk in your baby’s mouth
- Feeling a let-down reflex or seeing a change in the baby’s feeding rhythm
- Adequate wet diapers and stools
- Minimal weight loss during first few days
- Regain birth weight by 2 weeks and gains ¾ to 1 oz thereafter
Breastfeed Often

Watch Baby, Not the Clock
Watch your baby for signs of hunger, not the clock. Follow baby's feeding cues and do not try to schedule feedings or limit feedings. Early hunger cues include:
Baby opening his mouth and moving his head side to side (known as the rooting reflex).
Baby making sucking motions with his mouth.
Baby begins to chew or suck on his hands or fingers.
Don't wait for your baby to cry to let you know he is hunger. Crying is a very late hunger cue.
Increasing Your Supply
Mothers throughout the ages have been able to produce plenty of milk for their babies. In certain situations because of a health problem or other complication, a mother may have a reason to be concerned and may need to carefully monitor her baby's weight gain in order to be sure he is getting enough milk. If baby is not gaining well or he is losing weight after the first few days, contact baby's health care provider. Slow weight gain may indicate a serious health problem. If you're concerned about your milk supply, get help. Being in touch with a Postpartum Doula, La Leche League Leader, or Lactation Consultant can often provide the information, support, and encouragement that mothers need to be reassured that they are providing plenty of milk for their babies.
Steps that will help your baby get as much of your milk as possible include:
Nurse often for as long as your baby will nurse. The more milk that is removed from the breast, the more milk the breast will make to replace it. Frequent breastfeeding helps to establish a plentiful milk supply. A sleepy baby may need to be awakened and encouraged to nurse more frequently. A baby who nurses for excessively long periods may not be nursing efficiently.
Offer both breasts at each feeding. This will ensure that your baby gets all the milk available and that both breasts are stimulated frequently. Allow your baby to indicate he is finished on the first breast, then offer the other breast.
Check baby's positioning and latch. Breastfeeding should not hurt. Hold baby close with his whole body facing you so he does not have to turn his head. When he opens his mouth wide, his head should be slightly tilted back with his nose at the level of your nipple. As he approaches the breast with his head slightly tilted back, this will bring him to the breast chin first. This will help you better aim his lower jaw so that he covers more of your breast with his lower jaw than with his upper mouth. As you bring baby onto the breast, aim your nipple toward the roof of his mouth. If you feel comfortable and baby is nursing actively, the latch is good.
Try breast compression to keep your baby interested in breastfeeding. Squeeze the breast firmly with your thumb on one side and fingers on the other to increase milk flow. Keep squeezing until baby is no longer actively sucking, then release. Rotate fingers around the breast and squeeze again. Then switch to the other breast, using both breasts twice at each feeding. Squeeze firmly but be careful not to cause injury to your breast tissue.
Feed your baby only your milk. If your baby has been receiving formula supplements, do not cut these out abruptly. As you improve your breastfeeding techniques with the help of a lactation professional, and as your milk supply increases, you will be able to gradually reduce the amount of supplement. Monitor baby's weight gain and stay in touch with your baby's health care provider during this transition.
All your baby's sucking should be at the breast. If some supplement is necessary, it can be given by spoon, cup, or with a nursing supplementer. Be aware that a pacifier can create more problems than it solves. If you decide to give your baby a pacifier, wait until he is nursing effectively and gaining well.
Use skin-to-skin contact. It may encourage your baby to nurse more often. Skin-to-skin means that baby will be nestled upright between your breasts, clad only in his diaper directly against your skin. Your warmth, smell, and heartbeat will also soothe baby, which in turn aids in his development.
Try to relax. Paying attention to your need for rest, relaxation, and proper diet will help your milk supply and improve your general sense of well-being.
Talk to your health care provider about diet, medicinal herbs or prescription medications to increase your milk supply.
If you have concerns...
Some mothers think their babies are not getting enough milk when they are actually getting plenty of milk. Some "false alarms" that worry mothers include:
Your breasts feel different. If your breasts suddenly feel softer or your breasts no longer leak between feedings, it does not mean that you are producing less milk; it simply means that your supply has adjusted to your baby's needs.
Baby seems fussy. Many babies have a fussy time every day that is not related to hunger. Some babies need lots of stimulation and activity; others need soothing. You will learn how to respond to your baby as you find the ways that comfort him. If your fussy baby settles down when you offer him the breast, go ahead and breastfeed. But don't take this as a sign that he is not getting enough to eat.
Baby suddenly wants to feed more often, or seems hungry again soon after being fed. Babies often go through "growth spurts" when they are two to three weeks old and again at six weeks and three months. At these times, breastfeed as often as possible as your supply catches up with baby's demand.
Baby decreases his nursing time, perhaps down to five minutes or so at each breast. As babies get older, they become very efficient at taking the milk so this is a positive sign that breastfeeding is going well, not something to worry about.
La Leche League Leaders are accredited volunteers who are available to help with breastfeeding questions in person, over the phone, or online. Locate an LLL Leader near you at www.llli.org.
Please be aware that the information provided is intended solely for general educational and informational purposes only. It is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician for any questions you may have regarding your or your infant’s medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have received in this information.
Nurse often for as long as your baby will nurse. The more milk that is removed from the breast, the more milk the breast will make to replace it. Frequent breastfeeding helps to establish a plentiful milk supply. A sleepy baby may need to be awakened and encouraged to nurse more frequently. A baby who nurses for excessively long periods may not be nursing efficiently.
Offer both breasts at each feeding. This will ensure that your baby gets all the milk available and that both breasts are stimulated frequently. Allow your baby to indicate he is finished on the first breast, then offer the other breast.
Check baby's positioning and latch. Breastfeeding should not hurt. Hold baby close with his whole body facing you so he does not have to turn his head. When he opens his mouth wide, his head should be slightly tilted back with his nose at the level of your nipple. As he approaches the breast with his head slightly tilted back, this will bring him to the breast chin first. This will help you better aim his lower jaw so that he covers more of your breast with his lower jaw than with his upper mouth. As you bring baby onto the breast, aim your nipple toward the roof of his mouth. If you feel comfortable and baby is nursing actively, the latch is good.
Try breast compression to keep your baby interested in breastfeeding. Squeeze the breast firmly with your thumb on one side and fingers on the other to increase milk flow. Keep squeezing until baby is no longer actively sucking, then release. Rotate fingers around the breast and squeeze again. Then switch to the other breast, using both breasts twice at each feeding. Squeeze firmly but be careful not to cause injury to your breast tissue.
Feed your baby only your milk. If your baby has been receiving formula supplements, do not cut these out abruptly. As you improve your breastfeeding techniques with the help of a lactation professional, and as your milk supply increases, you will be able to gradually reduce the amount of supplement. Monitor baby's weight gain and stay in touch with your baby's health care provider during this transition.
All your baby's sucking should be at the breast. If some supplement is necessary, it can be given by spoon, cup, or with a nursing supplementer. Be aware that a pacifier can create more problems than it solves. If you decide to give your baby a pacifier, wait until he is nursing effectively and gaining well.
Use skin-to-skin contact. It may encourage your baby to nurse more often. Skin-to-skin means that baby will be nestled upright between your breasts, clad only in his diaper directly against your skin. Your warmth, smell, and heartbeat will also soothe baby, which in turn aids in his development.
Try to relax. Paying attention to your need for rest, relaxation, and proper diet will help your milk supply and improve your general sense of well-being.
Talk to your health care provider about diet, medicinal herbs or prescription medications to increase your milk supply.
If you have concerns...
Some mothers think their babies are not getting enough milk when they are actually getting plenty of milk. Some "false alarms" that worry mothers include:
Your breasts feel different. If your breasts suddenly feel softer or your breasts no longer leak between feedings, it does not mean that you are producing less milk; it simply means that your supply has adjusted to your baby's needs.
Baby seems fussy. Many babies have a fussy time every day that is not related to hunger. Some babies need lots of stimulation and activity; others need soothing. You will learn how to respond to your baby as you find the ways that comfort him. If your fussy baby settles down when you offer him the breast, go ahead and breastfeed. But don't take this as a sign that he is not getting enough to eat.
Baby suddenly wants to feed more often, or seems hungry again soon after being fed. Babies often go through "growth spurts" when they are two to three weeks old and again at six weeks and three months. At these times, breastfeed as often as possible as your supply catches up with baby's demand.
Baby decreases his nursing time, perhaps down to five minutes or so at each breast. As babies get older, they become very efficient at taking the milk so this is a positive sign that breastfeeding is going well, not something to worry about.
La Leche League Leaders are accredited volunteers who are available to help with breastfeeding questions in person, over the phone, or online. Locate an LLL Leader near you at www.llli.org.
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